Friday, October 17, 2008

My 100 Day Challlenge

On September 22, there were 100 days left until the end of 2008. I made a personal challenge to myself that I would exercise 5 days out of 7 each week and read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year. I'm please to announce that today is day 75 until the end of the year and I have been successful to this point. Yeah!!!! My daily routine has been to wake at 4 AM, throw on my exercise clothes and drive to the gym at Higley & Baseline. I then do about 40 minutes of cardio/fat burning (elliptical, treadmill, stairstepper, or bike) while reading the Book of Mormon and then about 10-15 minutes of weight lifting/circuit training. Then I will shower, throw my wig on and get to work by about 6AM. The man who checks me in at the gym always looks at me pretty funny - when he sees me coming in looking like I just got out of bed (which I did) and then an hour later when I leave I have perfect hair - aren't wigs great! I'll put my face on (you know, makeup!) at work and then get on with my day. It feels so great to exercise each morning. I actually look forward to it and I have an internal clock which wakes me up on time each day.....unfortunately even on Saturdays and Sundays. I love reading the Book of Mormon each morning - such a great start to each day. It will be no struggle to finish the Book of Mormon before December 31, 2008.

Latest exciting news - A NEW GRANDBABY IS ON THE WAY! Rick & Tammy announced that they are expecting their 5th!!!!! OMG!!!! Jenny and the new baby will only be about 13 months apart! Whoops!!!! This new grandchild will be number 22! How blessed we are.

Don & I are going to Coos Bay, Oregon on November 7-10 to see Tammy & Ammon and family. Allegiant Air had some $29 each way fares (to which they added taxes, seat fees, luggage fees, priority boarding option, change reservation options, etc.....)So instead of it costing $29 each way per person - it is costing about $60 each way per person - which is still a great deal. We will fly into Medford, Oregon and then will have to drive about 170+ miles to Coos Bay. Tammy and Ammon will either pick us up or we will rent a car. We'll see. I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE MY MATHIAS BABIES! I miss them so much - not to mention my sweet Tammy and entertaining Ammon. Oh how we miss his animated stories.

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